Calling you for an expedition!
An initiatory journey to ignite your unique talents,
so that being your authentic nature is the new normal.
Are you dissatisfied as a man ...
because you don't find any real inner fulfillment despite working hard and also achieving your goals? Logically, everything is great. Inside you know that this is a lie.
Or do you ask yourself, ...
why, despite a promising start, you regularly find yourself back where you were before? Your intended steps come to nothing, e.g. the new position in the job proves to be unsatisfactory quite quickly or the new relationship is stressful and exhausting again after the shortest time?
Are you ready to ...
no longer wait for everything to miraculously fall into place?
Is it time to take your development into your own hands to create the life that wants to awaken in you? Are you jumping?
Learn and experience new possibilities, ...
to finally step out of these old dynamics, so that you can authentically create the life that truly corresponds to you.
Life becomes richer, certainly more intense and fulfilling. Not necessarily easier!
MEN AWAKENING provides a core shift in relating with yourself, the people in your environment, and the planet you live on. You update your thoughtware and upgrade your living skills to a level of agency that meets today's rapidly evolving circumstances.
Through developing your inner world you actively unfold a healthier response ability. In this 12+1 month long commitment to yourself, you unleash your various sources of inner intelligence to bring your heart matter into the world, naturally creating a self-determined and nourishing life.
What an adventure!
All you know are three things: Your challenges. The necessity for change. You need a team. This is a call for initiating yourself. Training your skills becomes part of a new way of life, practicing to be fit enough while throwing yourself into such an inner adventure.
MEN AWAKENING - The outline!
- 22 days training together during seven camps over the course of 12 +1 months at our physical Base Camp @ Möglichkeitenraum near Bielefeld, Germany
- Online Wake-up calls with your team every two weeks for check-ins, questions, feedback, coaching, and the next new experiments to engage (until one month after the last camp)
- Closed Telegram group for exchange and sharings (Till one month after the last camp)
- Two individual one-on-one sessions with Michael (online or in person) during the journey
- Additional specialty trainers in selected modules
- 10 - 16 participants
- Language English, Translation in German for core insights, if needed
Here is a Man who paints doorways to new Manhood, a kinder, livelier and more exciting one that I could ever imagine.
Jan Mizgajski
More to feedback to come ...
The name
Michael Pörtner.
Creating initiatory and magic
unfolding adventures, so that living
your vocation is the new normal!
MEN AWAKENING sparks something in you?
Then, contact me!
Name *Email *Message *What can I do for you?Book a free 45 minute conversation with me!
Let's find out how MEN AWAKENING is a path for you and what I can do for you.